We go LIVE, Sundays at 10am


God is Holy

February 14, 2021
Isaiah 6:1-7. The Holiness of God calls us to order our lives in light of who He is.

God is Merciful

January 31, 2021
We can be thankful that God does not give us what we deserve, but has given us His mercy at the cross

God is Just

January 24, 2021
In a world of injustice, God will remain just; He will do what is right in the end.

God is Sovereign

January 17, 2021
Psalm 115:1-3.  We can take comfort in the reality of knowing that God's plans are perfect and good

God IS

January 10, 2021
Genesis 1:1. The Truth Is that God exists and we can know and have a relationship with him.
The Reason for Christmas is Simple-God sent His Son to save us.
The Heart that Hungers and Thirsts for God will find Him.
Despite the fact that Zechariah felt incapable of being used by God, God still used His life and wants to use yours as well.
The only appropriate way to show thankfulness for the kindness of God is to partake of His goodness.
We will never have true revival and restoration if we are not willing to confess and turn from our sinful ways.

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