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Exodus 34

November 10, 2024
Ari Hauben-Chosen People Ministries shared in our service this morning.
We see in the instructions of the Sabbath the truth that Christ is our true Sabbath rest.
In calling Bezalel and Oholiab to do the work of building the Tabernacle, we are reminded that all of us have gifts and abilities that God wants to us for…
Through the census tax and the bronze laver, we realize that our salvation has been paid with a price, and because of that, we must live holy lives for Him.
In the building of the altar of incense, we see a beautiful picture of the power of prayer in the life of the believer.
In the garments of the priests, and their ordination for service, we see the power and beauty of Christ's priesthood on our behalf.
Because of the sacrifice on the altar, we can enter the presence of God with joy and gladness.

The Tabernacle

September 22, 2024
In the tabernacle's design, we see how God has provided a way to dwell with His people.
In the table and the lampstand we see how Christ is the bread and light of life.
Exodus 25:10-22. Exodus 37:1-10. In building the ark of the covenant, God is providing a place where he would meet with His people. Through Christ we now have access to…

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