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The true source of freedom in any life is found in a relationship with Christ and knowing the truth.
The Reason we can pursue Jesus’ Great Commission is that he has all authority and He will always be with us.
We can be the crowd and choose Barabbas, Judas and choose money, Pilate and choose to deny any complicity in the Lord’s death, or we can choose to follow the…
The denial of Peter is a story of admonition and yet hope as Christ offers forgiveness to a man who denies His Lord.
The Garden was a place of intense sorrow and suffering for the Lord, and yet a place of great strength as angels minister to him in his time of need.
Jesus shares in his last supper with his disciples, thus setting a pattern for us to remember his death for our sins.
Jesus finishes his teachings on his second coming by explaining what the great final judgment will be like. 
This first way to wait for the Coming of the Lord is to be prepared.  This is the teaching of the parable of the ten virgins.
The Pharisees requested a guard for Jesus’ tomb, saying that the imposter claimed he would rise again.  You are not an imposter if it’s true.  He is Risen!
As Jesus enters the city on Palm Sunday, the crowd asks who this was?  The same question is for us today, who is Jesus to us?
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