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The reason we can trust God is because of the certainty of His promises that he has guaranteed through Himself.
The writer of Hebrews exhorts his readers to stop remaining immature in their faith and to grow in their relationship with God.
The difference between the priesthood of Aaron and the priesthood of Christ is His sinlessness, whereby He is able to intercede on our behalf.
Because we have a great High Priest, we can come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in our time of need.
The writer of Hebrews uses the example of the Israelites to show how easy it is to harden our hearts and the necessity of keeping our hearts soft before God.
The antidote to a heart becoming hardened before God is to rest in the love and grace he has given us.

Consider Jesus

January 5, 2025
The author of Hebrews asks us to consider how Jesus is greater and more faithful than even Moses. Therefore we can place our trust in Him.
The reason Christ is superior to angelic beings is that He is the eternal Son of God.
God has spoken to humanity in the giving of His Son to be the Savior of the World.
Exodus 33-34. As Moses desires to see the glory of God, God reveals Himself as a God of mercy and grace.
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