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As Paul closes his letter to the Colossian Church, we are given examples of individuals who exemplify the new life we are called to live in this book.
The apostle not only shows how to live the new life with believers, but also with outsiders as well.
Living the New life in Christ involves how we treat our family, our closest relationships.

January 28, 2024
As Christians, we no longer live for ourselves, but for each other as we learn to forgive and love each other.
As Believers, we must put to death the old, sinful patterns in our lives and pursue the resurrected life in Christ.
If we are true believers, we should now live for the things that are above, not the things of this earth.
Isaiah prophesies that a weary world can rejoice for the child that has been born.
Isaiah prophesies that the Messiah will come to heal and deliver those in bondage.
Isaiah prophesies a message of comfort for the people of God as he proclaims the good news of the Messiah.
Isaiah prays that God would move and act upon the difficulties the Jewish people find themselves in.

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