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Bible Text: 1 Peter 1:1-12 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | Series: 1 Peter- Faithful Living in a Fallen World | The fact that God has saved us at such great…
Bible Text: Mark 4:35-41 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | Afraid for their lives in the middle of a storm, the disciples ask Jesus this question.  The answer was, and remains,…
Bible Text: Matthew 22:41-46 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | The question is do we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, victorious over death, hell, and the grave?…

The Great Commandment

May 24, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 22:34-40 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | Jesus informs the Pharisees what the Great Commandment really is. Love God and Love Your Neighbor.

Resurrection Realities

May 17, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 22:23-33 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | The Resurrection is a reality that we can live and base our lives upon. We know we will live again because…

Trusting God in Crisis

May 10, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 62:1-12 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | The only way to respond in times of crisis is to place our trust in God alone. May we do this,…
Bible Text: Matthew 22:15-22 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | In paying the tax to Rome, Jesus highlights the bigger point, which is giving your life to Him.
Bible Text: Matthew 22:1-14 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | God has provided a feast for all to participate in. Will you receive His grace and forgiveness in your life and…
Bible Text: Matthew 21:23-46 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | Like the Religious Leaders of Jesus' day, too many of question and doubt that Jesus does not have authority over our…

Saved By His Resurrection

April 12, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 | Preacher: Matthew Whistler | It is the resurrection that brings the hope of eternal life. We can face life because He lives!

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