In the table and the lampstand we see how Christ is the bread and light of life.
Exodus 25:10-22. Exodus 37:1-10. In building the ark of the covenant, God is providing a place where he would meet with His people. Through Christ we now have access to…
The people give contributions to the Tabernacle out of generous willing hearts.
In a ceremony on Mt. Sinai, God ratifies His covenant with His people, the Israelites.
As God gives the law to Israel, He promises that the angel (Christ) would go with them all the way into the Promised Land.
In laying out various laws regarding the treatment of other people, God demonstrates the second of the two great commandments.
In giving laws regarding how altars are to be built and when festivals should be celebrated, God is providing us insights on the proper worship of God.
In the Ten Commandments, we see how the law restrains sinfulness, convicts sinners, and teaches Christians how to live.
As God visits the Israelites on Mt. Sinai, we see the foreshadowing of God visiting us through the incarnation of Christ.
Exodus 18:1-27. Through the visit of Moses' father-in-law, a picture is given of why the church needs every member in its body.