As Moses faces discouragement from the rejection by Pharoah and the Israelites, God again promises deliverance.
Although God had promised deliverance for the Israelites, when Moses and Aaron approached Pharoah, he made their lives harder, not easier.
As God prepares Moses to lead the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt, He must teach Moses lessons in obedience.
Paul points out that Jesus, whom God raised, is the one who can set people free from their sins. Contact us for more information about Jesus or the ministry of…
As Jesus entered Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday, He entered not just as the King of the Jews, but also as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed for the…
God reveals himself to Moses as the I AM, the all sufficient, eternal One.
During the ordinary days of tending sheep, Moses has an encounter with God that changes him forever.
In the middle of the Israelite's enslavement to the Egyptians, God remembered His people and provided a deliverer.
In Exodus 1, we see Israel's greatest need, which is our greatest need. The need for a deliverer.
As Paul closes his letter to the Colossian Church, we are given examples of individuals who exemplify the new life we are called to live in this book.