Exodus 18:1-27. Through the visit of Moses' father-in-law, a picture is given of why the church needs every member in its body.
Through various trials in the desert, the Israelites learn that God will provide for their needs.
In the crossing of the Red Sea, God provides victory once and for all over the Egyptians.
God provides the Israelites with what they need for their journey out of Egypt including His guiding presence.
In the consecration of the firstborn and the feast of unleavened bread, God provides a way in which the Israelites would remember what he had done in delivering them from…
The Passover commemorated the Exodus from Egypt and our deliverance from the slavery of sin.
In the death of the firstborn, Yahweh demonstrates his justice against the Egyptians but displays his love in sacrificing his own firstborn.
In sending the plagues to the Egyptians, God demonstrates his power over the idols of Egypt.
Moses was able to be God's leader in part because of the faith of his parents, Amram and Jochebed.
Pharoah hardens his heart against God and his heart is hardened by God as well.